5 December 2014
C.2-4.1.2 Fixed Wing Jet Aircraft Transportation Vibration.
Perform vibration testing in accordance with MIL-STD-810, Method 514 using the following test
Munition Configuration: Packaged.
Test Level: MIL-STD-810, Method 514, Annex C for `Jet Aircraft Cargo'.
c. Test Duration: The test should be conducted for a total test duration equivalent to the
flight duration specified in AECTP 100, Annex E, Appendix 1 for transportation by `Jet Aircraft'
for either Land Vehicle Mounted Missiles or Sea Launched Missiles. Since the test level is for the
take-off environment only, the test duration is based on the number of flights. To derive
appropriate test durations, apply an average flight time of 10 hours per transport to determine the
appropriate number of take-off events. Based on the current versions of AECTPs 100 and MIL-
STD-810, the test duration is 10 minutes per axis for land based munitions and 5 minutes per axis
for sea based munitions as calculated in Table A-3.
d. Test Temperature: Temperature condition the test munitions prior to, and during
vibration testing. Stabilize all cold munitions to -46 °C, and all hot munitions to the packaged
SRE temperature.
C.2-4.2 Helicopter Cargo Transportation Vibration.
This test is applicable to small land and sea munitions for which transport as cargo on a Rotary
Wing Aircraft is a plausible mode of transport. Perform vibration testing in accordance with MIL-
STD-810, Method 514 using the following test parameters:
Munition Configuration: Packaged.
b. Test Level: MIL-STD-810, Method 514, Annex C for `Helicopter Cargo'. Fundamental
blade passing frequencies (f1 component) of 11 Hz, 17 Hz, and 21 Hz should be used to address
most transport helicopter types. Other aircraft types may be added if their fundamental blade
passing frequencies (f1 component) are known.
c. Test Duration: The test should be conducted for a total test duration equivalent to the
flight duration specified in AECTP 100, Annex E, Appendix 1 for transportation by `Helicopter'
for either Land Vehicle Mounted Missiles or Sea Launched Missiles. Based on the current versions
of AECTPs 100 and MIL-STD-810, the test duration for land based munitions is 3.33 hours/axis
and 50 minutes/axis for sea based munitions as calculated in Table A-3. The total test duration for
a stated axis should be split such that each set of blade passing frequencies are addressed equally.
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