5 December 2014
environment to the test site, it is good practice to minimise heat transfer effects through the use of
thermal mitigation measures (i.e., insulated transport box or insulating blanket).
C.2-1.3 Logistic Rail Transportation (Velocity) Impact.
Rail impact testing is conducted in accordance with MIL-STD-810, Method 526. An alternate test
method using a pendulum swing or inclined (horizontal) velocity impact machine in accordance
with MIL-STD-810G Method 516, Procedure VII may be performed.
a. Munition Configuration: Munitions may be tested in the single munition or bulk
munition (palletized) transport configuration. All assets may be tested at the same time when using
a rail car.
b. Test Level: Impact each munition in accordance with the impact velocities of MIL-
STD-810, Method 526 or MIL-STD-810G Method 516, Procedure VII.
c. Test Duration: The munition shall be impacted 3 times in one direction and once in the
opposite direction.
d. Test Temperature: Temperature condition the items prior to and during impact testing.
Impact tests should be conducted within the shortest duration possible upon removal from the
conditioned environment. The maximum duration should be 15 minutes. During transport from
the conditioned environment to the test site, it is good practice to minimise heat transfer effects
through the use of thermal mitigation measures (i.e., insulated transport box or insulating blanket).
Stabilize all designated cold items to a temperature of -46 °C. Stabilize all designated hot items
to the packaged SRE temperature.
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