5 December 2014
C.2-2.2 Restrained Cargo Transport Shock.
Perform shock testing in accordance with MIL-STD-810, Method 516 using the following test
a. Munition Configuration: This test should be conducted on individual munitions in the
military transport and tie-down configuration. For systems that may be transported in or out of
the transport container, the test duration should be split with half of the test duration packaged in
the transport container and half of the test duration unpackaged.
b. Test Level: All shocks stated in Table C2-1 shall be applied in each sense of each
orthogonal axis. The shocks may be applied as either half-sine pulses or a single decaying
sinusoidal pulse encompassing both senses in each axis. Terminal peak sawtooth pulses or Shock
Response Spectrum (SRS) methods may be substituted for the levels specified in Table C2-1 if it
can be shown to produce equivalent velocities. MIL-STD-810, Method 516 provides guidance for
SRS methods.
Number of Shocks: The required number of shock repetitions are stated in Table C2-1.
d. Test Temperature: Temperature condition the test munitions prior to, and during shock
testing. Stabilize all cold munitions to -46 °C, and all hot munitions to the packaged SRE
C.2-2.3 Two Wheeled Trailer Vibration.
This test is applicable to small land munitions for which the two wheeled trailer is a plausible mode
of transport. Perform vibration testing in accordance with MIL-STD-810, Method 514, Category
4 for `Two Wheeled Trailer' using the following parameters.
a. Munition Configuration: This test should be conducted on individual munitions in the
military transport and tie-down configuration. For systems that may be transported in or out of
the transport container, the test duration should be split with half of the test duration packaged in
the transport container and half of the test duration unpackaged.
b Test Level: This environment can be addressed by the vibration profiles in MIL-STD-
810, Method 514, Category 4 for `Two Wheeled Trailer' using a duration equivalent to the distance
specified in the LCEP.
c. Test Duration: The vibration should be conducted for a test duration equivalent to the
minimum of 50 km or 0.5% of the distance specified in AECTP 100, Annex E, Appendix 1, for
Land Vehicle Mounted Missile.
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