5 December 2014
representative of credible extremes or slightly above the environments to be encountered in actual
munition use. These extreme environments are low-probability environments. Therefore, the test
levels recommended in this document are at credible extremes. Rationale for the specific
environments is presented in Annex 1 of this Appendix.
A2.3 Sequential and Combined Environments.
Munitions are subjected to environmental testing in a sequential manner, which is representative
of the probable LCEP scenario. Testing in accordance with this life cycle sequence and combining
environments (i.e., vibration with temperature) is recommended to determine if the interaction
(synergistic effect) and/or the sequence in which environments are experienced may result in a
safety hazard.
A2.4 Inspection For Incipient Failure.
For each test sample which fails during test, there are usually many that nearly fail. Detailed
inspection of the test items before, during, and after test adds significantly to the confidence of the
test data given the limited sample size. Radiographic inspections provide particularly useful
insight into the condition of the munition including early detection of displaced components as
well as cracking or debonding of energetic materials. Conditioning the munition to a cold
temperature for the radiographic inspection enhances cracks in the energetic materials and
provides for easier detection of defects. If the inspections indicate likely failure, further
investigation or testing may be required. If the inspections indicate that a margin of safety exists
(that no safety hazard is likely), the test can be declared complete. In either case, the data generated
by conventional testing have been supplemented.
A2.5 Variable Test Data.
The use of measured variable data (pressure, force, strain, etc.) is recommended whenever
practical. If margins of safety can be demonstrated between measured test data and measured or
analytical failure modes, confidence in the test results are enhanced. If measured variable data
indicate only small margins of safety exist, further investigation or testing may be required.
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