5 December 2014
A.1-3.1 Logistic Transportation Dynamics.
Surface and underwater launched munitions may be subjected to logistic land transportation by
either commercial or military vehicles. Distances for each mode of transport are specified in
AECTP 100. Each of these environments must be addressed as applicable. Table A-2 is an
example of the logistic land transportation dynamics requirements in the current versions of
AECTP 100 and MIL-STD-810, Method 514.
A.1-3.1.1 Logistic Land Transportation Dynamics (Commercial).
A.1- Logistic Wheeled Vehicle Transportation Dynamics (Appendix C, Annex 2,
Paragraph C.2-1.1).
The movement of packaged materiel from the point of manufacture to the storage location is
usually accomplished by commercial logistic vehicles over improved or paved highways. This
can be addressed by the `Common Carrier' vibration profiles in MIL-STD-810, Method 514. No
factors of safety need to be applied to the amplitude since MIL-STD-810 vibration schedules are
specified. These vibration schedules have been developed from field data and have conservatism
factors built into them. Common Carrier vibration should be applied for a duration equivalent to
the distances shown below in Table A-2. This is the first test to be performed in the munition life
cycle test sequences of Appendix B. The intent is to degrade the shipping container and weapon
seals prior to the climatic environmental tests.
A.1- Packaged Transit Drop (Appendix C, Annex 2, Paragraph C.2-1.2).
The packaged transit drop test simulates accidental drops encountered in logistical (packaged)
handling of the munitions such as a hovering helicopter dropping the munitions from a sling or the
unloading of munitions stacked on a truck. The munitions could be transported in either the single
munition or bulk munition (palletized) configuration. Shipping containers may double as munition
launch containers which could be loaded with multiple munitions (e.g., a launch container may
have 6 rockets). All S3 test assets in the sequential environmental test flow are exposed to the
Packaged Transit Drops. Munitions dropped from these heights are typically expected to remain
safe for use.
a. The default drop heights shown in Table C.2-1 (adapted from MIL-STD-810, Method
516) are based on the size and weight of a packaged munition. Note that the LCEP may define
handling scenarios where the drop height differs, such as for small 2-man-portable packaged
munitions stacked on a truck where a drop height approaching 2.1 m could be applicable.
Consideration should be given to conducting greater severity drops non-sequentially depending
upon the LCEP.
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