5 December 2014
8.5.5 Fuze Safety Testing.
The central objective of S3 of Fuzing Systems is to confirm and document that the fuzing system
is safe and performs as intended in all expected service environments. The design safety
requirements standard is MIL-STD-1316 and the fuze procedures document is MIL-STD-331.
8.5.6 Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3).
E3 assessment testing shall be conducted in accordance with MIL-STDs-464 and 461. This testing
must address Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance (HERO), Electromagnetic
Compatibility (EMC), Electrostatic Discharge (ESD), Lightning Tests, and Firing Circuit Analysis
that are required to demonstrate electrical safety. Expected test asset quantities are provided in
Appendix B. General guidance is provided in Appendix H, Annex 1.
8.5.7 Munition Demilitarisation and Disposal Assessment Testing.
Appropriate safety testing and analysis to assess the demilitarisation and disposal qualities of a
munition shall be required in accordance with STANAG 4518.
8.5.8 Render Safe Procedure Testing.
Appropriate testing and analysis shall be performed to develop Explosive Ordnance Disposal
(EOD) render safe procedures for new munitions entering the inventory.
8.5.9 Range Safety and Sustainability.
In accordance with AOP-15, appropriate testing and analysis shall be conducted to assess range
safety and sustainability. The potential for individual and cumulative environmental effects of
munitions use on operational ranges should be assessed (e.g., the expected deposition of hazardous
substances, pollutants and contaminants, or emerging contaminants).
8.5.10 Explosive Materials Qualification Testing.
All explosive materials in a munition shall undergo appropriate testing and assessment per
STANAG 4170 and AOP-7 to determine whether each possesses properties which make it safe for
consideration for use in its intended role.
8.5.11 Health Hazards Testing.
Appendix H, Annex 2 describes the testing and analysis to assess potential health hazards posed
by the elements or combinations present in munitions and by munitions use.
8.5.12 Platform Integration/Launch Safety.
Appropriate testing and analysis shall be performed to assess platform integration for new
munitions entering the inventory. Sufficient evidence should be provided to determine whether
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