5 December 2014
Condition of the munition or subsystem.
(1) Physical damage.
(2) Indication of seepage, leaks, or exudation.
(3) State of indicators.
(4) State of seals.
(5) State of safe and arming (S&A) devices and fuzes.
(6) Check connectors.
(7) Condition of exposed cables.
(8) BIT checks if appropriate.
(9) Inspection of health monitoring unit and data if applicable.
Level 2 (Intermediate) encompasses Level 1, but also consists of radiography and non-destructive
examinations (e.g., ultrasonic, tomography, magnaflux, eddy current) of all munitions and
pyrotechnic devices. The examination facility should have the capability to conduct radiographic
inspection at low temperature extremes or as soon as possible, after removal from a cold
conditioning chamber (15 minutes for man portable items and 30 minutes for non-man portable
items). Deviation from this should be recorded and accepted by the appropriate authority. Level
2 inspections should determine the following:
a. State of S&A devices and fuzes to include testing all accessible squibs with a certified
low current circuit tester or squib meter and performing umbilical electrical tests to ensure the
munition is safe for handling and continued testing.
Indications of structural damage.
c. Condition of the propulsion unit assembly to check for cracks, voids, slump, liner
cracking/detachment, or any other failure modes identified during the preliminary design
assessment. This inspection should be conducted at the low operating temperature.
d. Condition of the warhead assembly to check for cracks, voids, defective adhesion,
exudation, or any other failure modes identified during the preliminary design assessment. This
inspection should be conducted at the low operating temperature.
Movement of internal components.
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