5 December 2014
4.1 Facilities.
All test facilities utilized must suit specific test requirements and provide adequate protection for
personnel and equipment in accordance with local and national regulations for testing of hazardous
material. Note that although it is not necessary for all the facilities to be co-located, consideration
should be given to the safe transport of potentially degraded test articles between test facilities. In
addition to the requirements provided in Appendix F, Table F-1, test facilities shall be prepared
for the handling and possible disposal of explosive items.
Instrumentation Accuracy and Calibration.
The instruments and test equipment used to control or monitor the test parameters shall have an
accuracy at least equal to 1/3 the tolerance of the variable to be measured. Recommended
tolerances are provided in Appendix F, Table F-2. In the event of conflict between this accuracy
and guidelines for accuracy in any one of the test procedures or methods referenced in this
document, the more stringent accuracy requirement takes precedence. The instrumentation and
test equipment shall be calibrated periodically to laboratory standards whose calibration is
traceable to national laboratory standards. The test facility shall maintain the calibration records.
Surface and underwater launched munitions are likely to encounter the environments shown in
Figure 1 throughout the life cycle. Figures 3 and 4 illustrate general test flows associated with
these environments. Detailed tests flows are provided in Appendix B of this document as
sequential test flowcharts and munition allocation tables. Test guidelines are presented in
Appendix C and rationale are provided in Appendix A. An attempt has been made to define test
flows such that environmental tests are conducted at representative points in the life cycle. These
test flows are based upon the applicable environmental factors for storage, transportation, and
deployment selected from Allied Environmental Conditions and Test Publication (AECTP) 100,
Annex A along with the generic usage profiles from AECTP 100, Annex E for the land vehicle
mounted missile and the sea launched missile. Testing in accordance with this life cycle sequence
and combining environments (i.e., vibration with temperature) is required to determine if the
interaction (synergistic effect) and/or the sequence in which environments are experienced may
result in a safety hazard. If the munition specific LCEP identifies environments or usage profiles
significantly in excess of those provided in this document, the test specifications should be adjusted
5.2 Deviations.
Deviations from these LCEPs contained in this document shall be approved by National S3
Authority(ies) or other appropriate Authorities prior to the start of testing. The rationale used in
tailoring shall be documented and retained as part of the Munition Safety Data Package as noted in
Annex C of AOP-15.
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