5 December 2014
the platform interface and the munition have adequate structural integrity to withstand the
anticipated dynamic loading. In addition, live fire testing from applicable launch stations or
platforms will be required to provide sufficient evidence of safe operation and separation,
launch/blast effects, and human factors associated with weapon system operation. At a minimum,
these tests should encompass the dynamic firing objectives as described in Appendix A, Annex 2
(paragraph A.2-1.1), and the operations and maintenance (O&M) objectives as described in
Appendix H, Annex 3.
8.5.13 Operational and Maintenance Review.
Appendix H, Annex 3 describes the operational tests required to assess the safety of operational
and maintenance procedures and equipment during field handling exercises.
8.5.14 Other Safety Tests to be Considered.
Appendix H, Annex 4 includes additional tests to be considered for inclusion in the S3 assessment.
These tests should be based on the anticipated LCEP, measured environments, or other
environmental factors. Consider evaluating the safety of the launch platform and any ground
support equipment.
As stated in AAS3P-1 and AOP-15 Annex C, the results of the testing and assessments required
in this document will be compiled into a Munition Safety Data Package for use by the appropriate
S3 approving authority in determining the overall S3 for surface and underwater launched
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