5 December 2014
average fragmentation spatial dispersion. Note that data from this test are also used to determine
range safety parameters (i.e., Weapon Danger Area or "Safety Fan"). This test is conducted on
factory fresh assets in order to obtain the maximum fragmentation distance.
A.2-2.4 Other Energetics (Appendix D, Annex 2, Paragraph D.2-5).
Appropriate functional testing should be conducted on any other energetic in the munition
following sequential environmental testing. This may be accomplished either through component
level operational tests in the Analytical Flow or firing safety tests in the Empirical Flow.
A.2-2.5 Other Safety Critical Components (Appendix D, Annex 2, Paragraph D.2-6).
Although energetic and pressure vessel components account for most direct safety risks during the
transportation, handling, and operation of a surface and underwater launched munition, other
components may contribute to unsafe conditions upon launch. If it is determined that a safety
critical component is susceptible to environmental degradation, operation of the component should
be evaluated following sequential environmental testing either through component level
operational tests in the Analytical Flow or firing safety tests in the Empirical Flow. Note that the
operational tests are only required to identify potentially unsafe operation and not intended to
evaluate the full performance characteristics of the components.
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