5 December 2014
Firing tests are conducted to determine firing safety related to munition operation, launch, and
flight. These tests are conducted at both high and low temperature conditions. The high
temperature tests should be conducted at the higher of 63 °C or the SRE temperature. The cold
temperature tests should be conducted at -46 °C. Although these values may be more severe than
the manufacturer's recommended upper and lower firing temperatures for munition performance,
the extreme values should be used to assess safety aspects of the motor firing under worst case
service conditions. Appropriate precautions should be taken if the firing temperature exceeds the
manufacturer recommendations.
A.2-1.1 Dynamic Firing (Appendix D, Annex 1, Paragraph D.1-1).
The dynamic firing tests are conducted from unmanned ground launch stations on an instrumented
firing range to demonstrate that the munition: is safe to launch (does not eject hazardous debris or
detonate upon ignition), safely separates from the launch point/tube, and travels at and explosively
functions at trajectories which cause no additional hazards to the platform or firing crew. Collect
the following data, as applicable, in support of the dynamic firing test objectives.
a. The data acquired during firing should be sufficient to support weapon danger area
analysis and to capture any performance data that may be related to safety
b. Acoustic noise, blast overpressure, toxic gases, thermal effects, and radiance, data are
potential health hazards that may cause harm to the launch platform or personnel. Other system
specific health hazards should be considered. See Appendix H, Annex 2.
Evidence is collected regarding rocket motor safety and initiation system functioning.
d. Verification of safe separation distance may be obtained from dynamic firings; if
needed, additional evidence may be obtained from component level sled tests (with fuze and
warhead) or from additional fuze arming distance firings in accordance with Appendix D,
Annex 1, paragraph D.1-2. For munitions that are expected to penetrate light brush or other
obstructions in close proximity to the launch platform, additional fuze sensitivity tests in
accordance with Appendix D, Annex 1, paragraph D.1-3 should be considered.
Collect launch shock data, if required.
f. Collect launch blast debris data (i.e., dispersement pattern, velocity, size, mass) and
launcher reaction data to define the space that is unsafe for occupancy during firings.
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